MG_3117-scaled Dec. 4th 2020, Metuge, Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique: Children (and their families) at Metuge IDP camp.

In the province of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, floods and heavy rains are exacerbating the hardship of the people living there - just one year after hurricanes Kenneth and Idai devastated the region. At the same time, violence by armed groups is on the rise. More than 425,000 people have been displaced from their homes in recent months, including 191,000 children. An estimated 28,000 children are suffering from acute malnutrition.

In many East African countries, such as Mozambique, armed conflicts, droughts, floods and plagues of locusts are currently threatening the livelihoods of many families.


04.12.2020, Metuge, Cabo Delgado, Mosambik: Kinder (und ihre Familien) im Metuge Camp für Binnenflüchtlinge.

In der Provinz Cabo Delgado in Mosambik verschärfen Überschwemmungen und starke Regenfälle die Not der dort lebenden Bevölkerung – nur ein Jahr, nachdem die Wirbelstürme Kenneth und Idai die Region verwüstet hatten. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Gewalt durch bewaffnete Gruppen zu. Mehr als 425.000 Menschen wurden in den zurückliegenden Monaten aus ihrem Zuhause vertrieben, darunter 191.000 Kinder. Schätzungsweise 28.000 Kinder leiden an akuter Mangelernährung.

In vielen ostafrikanischen Ländern wie z.B. Mosambik bedrohen derzeit bewaffnete Konflikte, Dürren, Überschwemmungen sowie Heuschreckenplagen die Lebensgrundlagen zahlreicher Familien.

Corresponding video footage can be found in the German NatCom DOK-Dropbox under "Unicef Dokumentation > Filme Rohmaterial & Projektdateien > 2020 > 2020-12 Materialien Mosambik Cabo Delgado - Daniel Timme u. Drohne"

Taking care of Victims

Sometimes the activists concentrates their efforts more on prevention, and neglects the victims who are already with some medical and psychological consequences. The IAC developed as one of its strategic objectives, the health and psychological care to the victims of FGM, CM and other HTPs. Furthermore, special care must be provided to women and girls affected by various consequences of FGM like vascicovaginal fistula(VVF) To do so, the IAC has established an Africa health professional network in 2009, in Nairobi, Kenya. With the support of the UEOMA. the IAC delivered the training to a number of professionals coming from various IAC National Committees to perform the surgery . In addition, life skills training are also provided to the victims in order for them to overcome their situation support themselves economically and financially.