
Law 2010
The IAC, was able to illustrate that FGM is a violation of the rights of women and girls, and that these rights are universal. The concept of “universal solutions to universal problems” was therefore adopted. Based on this observation, the IAC launched, in 2010 a draft resolution of the United Nations General Assembly banning female genital mutilation worldwide. In this regards the Inter-African Committee has worked for the last 30 years at community, national, regional and global levels and consequently brought significant achievements: The taboo has been broken around these practices; Awareness on harmful effect of HTPs has been increased; Supported by their communities, thousands of excisers (FGM practitioners) have abandoned the practice; Political commitment at national, regional and international levels has been showed; An international “Day on Zero Tolerance” to FGM has been adopted (February 6); The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa has been adopted; The specific law against FGM has been adopted in 21 African countries and many other non-African countries; Upon the initiative of IAC, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted the resolution A/RES/67/146 ‘’Intensifying global efforts for the elimination of Female Genital Mutilations’’ in December 2012;

Laws relating to FGM for the following countries can be downloaded below.

FGM Legislation in BeninFGM Legislation in Burkina FasoFGM Legislation in Cameroon
FGM Legislation in CARFGM Legislation in ChadFGM Legislation in Congo
FGM Legislation in Cote d’IvoireFGM Legislation in DijboutiFGM Legislation in Egypt
FGM Legislation in EthopiaFGM Legislation in GambiaFGM Legislation in Ghana
FGM Legislation in GuineaFGM Legislation in Guinea BissauFGM Legislation in Kenya
FGM Legislation in LiberiaFGM Legislation in MaliFGM Legislation in Mauritania
FGM Legislation in NigerFGM Legislation in NigeriaFGM Legislation in Senegal
FGM Legislation in Sierra LeoneFGM Legislation in SomaliaFGM Legislation in Sudan
FGM Legislation in TanzaniaFGM Legislation in TogoFGM Legislation in Uganda